How my Skin Changed after Saying No to Soda

I have been dependent on drinking soda for many years. For me Soda is my source of  energizer and my refreshment to a thirsty throat. Nevertheless, I would consumed to 3 bottles of any kinds of Soda everyday. But it reached to a  point where in a serious heart burn almost lead me to death. The fault could be blamed  for excessive eating of lechon paired with too much Soda.

Now, I have been totally free of Soda dependency and it has been 2 weeks without taking Soda and Pork. Based on my observations my skin texture becomes better. The skin pores too were minimized I could feel at present my skin  gave a different kind of moisture and it made me look younger. My skin elasticity has also rejuvenate.

I'm truly happy with this simple changes in myself. I release my inner glow knowing that I'm now practicing healthy living. I am more happier now and it reflects on my skin. Life is meant to be happy and to celebrate. So For all the  beautiful girls and handsome men Let's live healthy and Happy :)
