Jeong Gane Korean Restaurant Davao : Authentic Korean Cuisine

Now  a days Filipinos have fully appreciated Korean Cuisine as a matter of fact A lot of Korean Restaurant are sprouting everywhere.  Here in Davao another Korean Restaurant we have just tried in Lanang. It's  Jeon Gane Korean Restaurant it  offers a pure authentic korean cuisine that you will  certainly love . It's  just what we have been looking for . The foods taste good you wont be scared of trying  and its really worth trying for.

They offer 8side dishes with 1free refill and free iced coffee for dessert.

Here are the photos of their delicious dishes.

  A very famous Hamgeltang which has the best seafoods soup Im really  craving for.

Hamgeltang consists of the different seafoods from Crabs, Shrimps, Oysters, clams name it. This is one of the best seafood I ever tasted And in Jeong Gane. This is really something exquisite and you will surely crave for this for so on.


POT Bingsu


The food pictures looks great but it will be better to try their dish . YOu will certainly agree with me. So, head on to Damosa Drive near the Phoenix Gasoline Station and Jeon Gane is just nearby.

For sure you will love it too..
